Tuesday 25 June 2013

Vegan banana "milk"

This is one of the simplest and fastest recipes I know, but it's very tasty, energizing, refreshing, and particularly great after exercising. It's like a banana milk without the milk, but when you try it you will see that it needs absolutely no milk or anything else to make it creamy - the bananas alone make it creamy.

I recommend this in particular to people who have just started to be vegan and are looking for a milk substitute - it's quickly made and, in my opinion, it beats every processed milk substitute you can buy in terms of taste and nutritional content.

(Takes about 3 min)

You need:
- a blender
- 4 large ripe bananas (with little black spots like in the picture)
- 500ml of water

You do:
Put the water and the bananas in the blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy.


Reference: I can't claim ownership for this recipe (I guess it's not much of an invention to start with) and it's probably not possible to figure out who made this for the first time. However, I know I saw it for the first time on my friend Olivia's website in a list of things you can do with bananas (the page is in German).


  1. Thanks Michael. Also for the info about eggs. I use them for baking mostly but will check out some of the alternatives. Would also just like to make stuff that doesn't require that substitute too. Will definitely be using date syrup instead of honey. All the best. Karon Mee.

  2. You are very welcome. If you want to discuss anything else, just comment again, or send me an email.
