Thursday 24 July 2014

Carrot Smoothie

I don't have to tell you that carrots are really good for you. So here is a new way of enjoying them: a carrot smoothie.

I have been trying for a while to make one that I really like, but so far most of them where just okay. Finally, I found the perfect combination: Carrots, oranges, and dates.

You need:
- about 200 g of carrots (about 4 large carrots or up to 10 small ones).
- 2 oranges
- about 5 medium sized dates
- about 500 ml of water (or more or less, depending on how thick you like your smoothie)

You do:
Soak the dates, at least for a few minutes (better overnight) - they will blend more easily. Put them into the blender. Clean your carrots and cut them into pieces and add them. Peal the oranges and put them into the blender as well. Add as much water as you like (however, start rather with too little, because you can always add more, but you cannot remove it anymore if you added too much). Blend. You need to blend a bit longer than you do with most smoothies to get it really smooth. Also, if you have a crappy blender, this might be the recipe that will tell you that it's time to upgrade.

Enjoy (if you like it sweeter, add more dates - if it's too sweet, use less next time)!


P.S. I noticed that I feel really well in the morning if I have this carrot smoothie for breakfast.