Sunday 16 June 2013

GULP (green breakfast pulp)

A good breakfast is essential. This one provides good carbs, proteins, and also gives you your share of dark green leafy vegetables and omega 3 fatty acids for the day. It's fresh, cool, and nice for the summer. The amount is for one person like me. Feel free to eat less ;)

you need:
- 3 bananas
- 3 oranges
- chunk of fresh ginger
- handful of almonds
- 1 tablespoon  of flax seeds
- massive amounts of fresh spinach
- 2 kg of water melon (chilled)

you do:
Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder and almonds in a food processor. Press the oranges. Then process all the ingredients except the melon with a food processor into a green pulp. Chunk the watermelon and pour the mixture over the fruit. Enjoy.


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