What's HiFi Food?

HiFi Food is short for high fiber food. By high fiber food, I mean plant-based (vegan) food that does not have its fiber removed through processing. I explain in more detail what HiFi Food is here.

The idea for HiFi Food is based on a personal experience: if I eat food which has the fiber removed like: sugar, flour, oil, juice, tofu, etc. or doesn't have any fiber to start with (like meat, dairy, and eggs), I have little energy, feel unhappy and gain weight. If I eat food that doesn't have the fiber removed, I feel energetic, motivated, and I lose weight (not forever, but until I reach a healthy weight). So this is the simple basic idea I would like to share with you.

Of course, apart from my personal experience, there is by now a lot of research showing how high fiber diets helps against obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, and other diseases, which I will post in the future. 

I don't think that fiber is the most important component of food or that it is the solution to all our food related problems, but I do believe that eating food without fiber is not a good idea if you are human, and consequently, eating a high fiber (or natural fiber) diet is a very good idea.

If you want to eat HiFi food, all you have to do is avoid the following:

(1) all animal products (meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy, honey, etc.)

(2) sugar (and certainly all chemical sweeteners)

(3) all processed and refined flours, in particular wheat flour

(4) all pressed and refined oils

(5) all pressed juices (instead blend your fruit), see here for more explanation.

(6) anything containing any of the above

This might sound shocking to some people and I am often asked what there is left to eat. Believe me, there is quite a lot left. For a list of what I eat see here.

In this blog, I publish HiFi food recipes that I have created, as well as thoughts and experiences related to food, health, and exercises.
All my recipes are vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free*. 

Feel free to comment if you have any questions and enjoy the recipes.


* I use oats in some recipes. I know that some people have to avoid even non-contaminated gluten-free oats, so you would need to replace the oats with something else or skip those recipes.

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