Tuesday 2 July 2013

Eat more - weigh less (1)

That you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight is something I realized only a few years ago, after lots of research and personal experience. In fact, if I want to lose weight, I increase the amount of food I eat. Let me explain this.

In my experience, there are 3 kinds of hunger:

1. Volume
This first type of hunger is the hunger of your digestion system for something to do. This is related to the sheer volume of food you eat.

2. Nutrients
This is probably a more subtle hunger. Your body needs a few hundred nutrients (maybe a few thousand - we don't really know yet). It manifests itself in specific appetites or food cravings.

3. Energy
Every cell in your body, in particular the brain and the muscles burn glucose. Your body needs a lot of it.

The first thing lesson of the HiFi Weight Loss Diet is to understand the difference between these kinds of hungers and not to confuse them. If your body needs some nutrients, it won't ever be satisfied by another load of nutrient-lacking high processed sugary or fatty food with lots of calories.

What you need to eat is high volumes (seriously) of highly nutritions HiFi food. If you eat unprocessed plant foods with all its fiber you get the volume through fiber and water and all the nutrients that are in unprocessed plant foods. If you are on a diet, you never want to have hunger number 1 and number 2 - so dig in!

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